I.S.S manufactures versatile equipment which makes it possible for us to undertake compliance tests on both small and large boilers alike. I.S.S often install their own sampling ports and measure from rooftops thereby eliminating the need for costly alterations to duct work and scaffolding by plant personnel or outside contractors.
Contact us for discounted prices when multiple boilers need to be measured on a single site.
I.S.S tests efficiencies of abatement equipment by taking simultaneous samples in the air stream duct work before and after the installation.
The data from these tests can be very useful for determining the effectiveness of dust suppressants like cyclones and bag houses.
It is also an effective and practical exercise to maximize scrubber efficiencies in order to determine optimal plant operations for reduction of gas emissions.
I.S.S conducts compliance testing across the full spectrum of listed activities.
Our reporting structure has been carefully crafted to represent a user friendly template for clients. The concise layout of our reports make for easy transcription of data when filling out the NAEIS documents.
Isokinetic Sampling Services can quantify dust concentrations in smoke stacks. This value commonly is known as total particulates is a representation of the mass/time levels of particulate matter being emitted from point source ductwork.
When needed ISS can also specify particle size distribution, this is particularly useful in determining whether filtration devices are meeting manufacturers specifications and for tweaking mechanical filtration devices like cyclones to achieve optimal performance.
ISS use various gas absorption solutions in a scrubber train to trap and analyse the full spectrum of gasses required by all listed activities.
Isokinetic Sampling Services use charcoal tubes to trap volatiles which are then sent for analysis at a SANAS accredited laboratory.
The lab is able to quantify and speciate a large spectrum of VOC’s which allows us to specifically target compounds which are of interest to the Department of Environmental Affairs.
V.O.C testing is easier to set up and less time consuming than isokinetic sampling which means we can offer discounted prices, especially when multiple sources need to be tested on the same site. These tests are commonly taken from holding tanks, smoke stacks and plant ductwork.